Survivor: Worlds Apart Recap

The No-Collar Tribe
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The No-Collar tribe is easily my least favorite tribe so far. Really, not a single likable person in the bunch. Nina, the oldest in the tribe, was deaf. You would think that the no-collar tribe would have just a little bit of compassion for someone with a disability like that? Eh, not so much. She was outcasted from the get-go. Also, this tribe doesn't have the greatest gameplayers either. Take for example, Jenn. "I don't know why everyone takes this game so seriously?" she wonders in episode two. Hmm, I don't know Jenn, it's not like you're playing for a million dollars or anything? Right? It's scary to think that she found one of the first idols of the season.
But she's not even the worst to come from this tribe. Nope, that would be YouTube "sensation" Will. He's terrible in challenges and has a poor social game - but comes across as if he's superior to the others, There's just something about him I can't pinpoint, but there's a smugness there I just can't deal with.
The Blue-Collar Tribe
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As expected, the blue collar tribe slayed the physical competitions at the start of the game. However, that didn't stop cracks from forming within the tribe. Before being voted off, Lindsey went toe-to-toe with two of her tribemates, Mike and Rodney. I'll give her credit, her argument with Rodney was justified because his misogynistic should not go unnoticed. I'm hoping at some point somebody puts Dan through the ringer as well - because his obnoxious behavior is grating my nerves.
Despite some annoyances, two of my favorites this season are from this tribe: Mike and Sierra. Mike is hard-working and has his head in the game. Even when Lindsey was screaming at him, he kept his cool and composure and didn't fight back. However, I am a little disappointed he went with the split vote at the first blue-collar tribal council, blindsiding Sierra (who received two votes but was not voted out). I feel for Sierra. They come back from tribal and Dan and Rodney tag team her with criticism. Right there is when Sierra became one of my favorites because I always root for the underdog on these shows. I'm hoping she can cause some chaos now that the tribes are swapping.
The White-Collar tribe
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And lastly we have the white-collar tribe. Filled with business executives and wall-street sharks, what could possibly go wrong with this tribe? Unsurprisingly, they lost the very first challenge and supplied us with the first blindside of the season. Carolyn, the oldest on the tribe found the hidden immunity idol, and began running things very quickly. So much so, even when the tribes swapped - she held onto that power - taking out her fellow white-collar, Max.
But this tribe is important because it has Shirin, my ironic fave for the season. She's absolutely insane and I love it. I doubt she is going to last much longer, but I hope others decide to drag her to the end because they think they can beat her - only to have her come out on top. I love it when that happens.
Despite a so-so cast, we've gotten some good fights so far, some cray-crays, and a few blindsides - and we're only in the beginning weeks of the game. I have a very good feeling we're going to see a lot more drama this season and I can't wait to see what's to come!
Survivor airs Wednesday nights at 8pm on CBS.
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