The 5 Best & Worst Seasons of Big Brother
I've been watching Big Brother since it's very first season. To put that in perspective, I was in elementary school when the first season aired back in 2000. So I've seen the absolute best and worst the show has had to offer. They've had some great seasons and some absolutely duds. The duds are hard to take because until recently we only got one season per year. Now with the addition of Big Brother Canada starting in 2013, we get two! I thought it would be fun to countdown the 5 best and worst seasons of the game.
No. 1 - Big Brother 6 (2005)
This was the original split house season, with two opposing alliances who absolutely loathe one another battling it out. The fans did not have any problem picking a side, the sovereign six alliance is one of the most beloved groups in the show's history. This season is also home to my all-time favorite houseguest and one of the most popular houseguests in BB history, Janelle Pierzina. Because both sides hated each other so intensely, it made for really fun drama. Maybe they didn't make the greatest game moves (Kaysar letting go of the button, anyone?) but it made for a very pleasant viewing experience. There was not one alliance that completely dominated the game, the power went back and forth, making it one of the most unpredictable seasons.
No. 2 - Big Brother 10 (2008)
Another split house season. The most refreshing thing about BB10 is that is had no twist. It was simply Big Brother in its purest form. Most recently, the show has become convoluted with ridiculous over the top twists - so it's nice to look back at how great this season was without any of that. The casting was on point too. Great heroes in Keesha, Dan, and Memphis and villains in Jerry, Michelle, and April. Moments like Keesha's iconic birthday fight night and Dan's Russian Roulette veto ceremony cement this season as one of the best.
No. 3 - Big Brother Canada 2 (2014)
Easily the best season of Big Brother in recent years. This season is a true testament to how you can completely flop at the start but still play a strong game until the end. We thought we were doomed to see the First Five go to the end- but in classic Big Brother fashion the outcasts, more specifically - Jon, Neda, and Heather formed an opposing alliance and made sure that didn't happen. Plus, who can forget Ika shamelessly shredding everyone's letters from home?
No. 4 - Big Brother 7: All Stars (2006)
Who doesn't love the best of the best coming back to compete against one another? One of the things that made this season so great? Janelle's competition destruction. Four HoHs and Five PoVs in one season- she still holds the record for the most competition wins in a single season. That's my girl! Other highlights include Chilltown and James' "I AM HARMED" veto confessional. For those who like a good strategic game, this is definitely a must-watch season. Having played before, every player went in with a firm game plan and it was thrilling to watch it all play out.
No. 5 - Big Brother 2 (2001)
After a disappointing first season, season 2 would set the groundwork for the show we have come to know and love. It was the first season to introduce the Head of Household nomination format over a house/public vote. The cast were true pioneers to the game of Big Brother. Not having any reference to past seasons, they were truly on their own. Throughout the years the show has transformed into something else- this season truly felt like a social experiment which is the purpose of Big Brother.
(so bad that they don't deserve video clips)
No. 1 - Big Brother 16 (2014)

No. 2 - Big Brother 12 (2010)
This is the season where Big Brother took a sharp turn in quality. The cast was filled with boring personalities and had one alliance of alpha male men who basically steamrolled themselves to the end. Looking back at this season, I blame the Brigade alliance for the lackluster seasons that followed. Everyone saw a group of guys make it to the end with ease and wanted to recreate that success. So now every season, we get stuck with a large alliance with almost every guy in the house within the first week. It's enough now.
No. 3 - Big Brother 14 (2012)

No. 4 - Big Brother 8 (2007)
I know this is an unpopular opinion. Big Brother 8 is regarded as a favorite season to many fans, but I'm sorry - I just don't get it. I found both of the Donatos to be extremely unlikable. The cast wasn't great and the twist low-key flopped. Sure, Dick and Daniele made the finals but the other enemy pairs were broken up within the first two rounds. Everyone in the house should have had an enemy in the cast, not just a few people. Also this is the season where the production manipulation became more prominent. I can't take Dick as a legitimate winner because he was saved so many time's by
No. 5 - Big Brother 15 (2013)
When I asked for Big Brother to give me some drama, I meant fun drama. While BB15 had it's moments (such as Nick's blindside in week 2), it was dragged down by racism and bullying. That is never a fun thing to watch. Candice was one of my favorite houseguests and it was awful to watch these people bully her for weeks on end. Only a few people in this cast were root-able (Candice, Elissa, Jessie, and Helen to an extent), the rest were a nightmare.
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