Big Brother Canada cast revealed!
1:48 PM
Big Brother Canada cast revealed!
Big Brother Canada
It's my favorite time of year! I'm talking of course, about Big Brother season! Normally, I would have to wait until June to get my BB-fix, but for the past few years, fans have gotten a bonus Canadian season to obsess over. And let me tell you, the past two seasons of Big Brother Canada have been far better than Big Brother US. Hell, last season's BBCAN was one of the greatest seasons of Big Brother I have ever watched. It easily ranks into my top 5 favorite seasons of BB. So this season has a lot to live up to. Over the past few days, the cast has been released in groups. Here's all 16 houseguests!
Bruno Ielo, 31 |
Brittnee Blair, 25 |
Bobby Hlad, 27 |
Sarah Hanlon, 27 |
Zach Oleynik, 22 |
Willow Macdonald, 26 |
Sindy Nguyen, 25 |
Pilar Nemer, 22 |
Johnny Colatruglio, 26 |
Kevin Martin, 22 |
Naeha Sareen, 29 |
Graig Merritt, 36 |
Ashleigh Wood, 21 |
Godfrey Mangwiza, 22 |
Jordan Parhar, 21 |
Patricia Denner, 41 |
So every season I say I'm not going to pick pre-season favorites because every time I do, I end up hating that person when the show premieres. Yet every year, I declare a pre-season favorite. Well, not this year. Nope. I'm not falling in that trap again. I'll reserve my opinions on all of them for the first week.
Check out more information at the official website!