March 1, 2015

Scandal: TV's Most Exciting Series
7:38 PM

Scandal: TV's Most Exciting Series

Last year I binge-watched three seasons of Scandal in the matter of two weeks. In that time frame, it rose to my personal top 10 TV series on the air. However, this season it has eclipsed the coveted number-one slot. Season 4 of Scandal has featured action-packed story-lines that have kept me on the edge of my seat for months.

Entering my final semester of my college career, I began to fall behind on many of my shows, however Scandal was the only one that I kept up with every single week. That is mostly due to the abduction storyline with Olivia. The mid-season premiere had me absolutely fixated while watching. I wasn't live-tweeting, I wasn't texting, I wasn't browsing Facebook - I was completely drawn to my television. It has been a long time since a television show had that kind of effect on me. The twist at the end of the episode, revealing that Ian (her fellow captive in the episode) was actually the mastermind behind her abduction, took me by surprise. It still was almost euphoric to see Olivia shoot down one of her captors. We all knew she was a HBIC, but damn. That just PROVED it.

Each episode since then has been better than the last. Scandal has always been good, but it has never been this good. The auction for Olivia Pope has been one of the most thrilling plot-lines in recent television history. AND THE SURPRISE TWIST AT THE END! I totally called this on twitter the week before! When Quinn had mentioned Stephen in the previous episode, I knew he would be the one to show up and save Olivia. Most people speculated that it would be Papa Pope but I felt that would have been far too predictable - and Scandal has been anything but this season.

Now I have never really been a big fan of Fitz's character. I have always found him overly whiny, especially for someone who is supposed to be the President of the United States. However, I think Olivia went in a little too hard on him in the last episode. I mean, yes - he literally went to war to save her (which ended up not saving her at all) but I think some slack needs to be cut. Everyone did everything within their power to get Olivia back safely (all of them failing to do so except for Abby, surprisingly), including Fitz. His may have led to the most catastrophic results of the bunch but it was a highly emotional time for all the characters.

I am glad that the Olivia abduction storyline was not stretched out until the end of the season. It was wonderfully compacted within those very intense four episodes. I'm excited to see where they are going to go from here. From the preview, it looks as if Olivia is going to start suffering from post-traumatic stress due to her abduction. Kerry Washington is a brilliant actress and I know whatever the writers have in store for Olivia, she's going to nail it.

Take a look at the preview for next week's episode!


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