March 4, 2015

Deadly Women: Oh The Dramatics!
10:23 PM

Deadly Women: Oh The Dramatics!

So I recently got hooked on some of those Investigative Discovery series. You’ve probably seen them. They’re those shows that reenact crime scenes and show interviews from those involved. Some of them are tastefully done in the sense of the reenactment. But others are completely over-the-top and overly dramatic. Needless to say, I love them! One has caught my attention over the others, due to pure ridiculousness – and that is Deadly Women. Each episode summarizes three murder cases in which the culprit is a woman.  Pretty standard. But let’s delve a little deeper.

The Narration is one of the most unnecessarily dramatic interpretations that I have ever heard on TV. I can’t even imagine this woman going into a recording studio and reading the dialogue in the tone she uses on the show. How do you not feel like a ridiculous human being? Again, it’s amazing. The interviews are just as outlandish as the narration. Most of the time, they add little information to the story at hand. Many of them speak in little cliches. "The only thing Jessica was hungry for... WAS MURDER!" ... Oh gee, really? The story is going to end in murder? I would have never guessed. 

But the best thing about this show? Easily the acting, or over-acting I should say. I get it. It's a show on ID Discovery, so I'm not expecting Academy Award-winning acting but this is just too much. The fake stabbing motions, the intense glares these actresses give into the cameras (all dubbed with a dramatic narration), it's all great. Many of the episodes are on YouTube and the many episodes air sporadically on Investigative Discovery.

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