June 18, 2014

Julie Chen reveals new Big Brother twist. Spoiler: It's awful
5:32 PM

Julie Chen reveals new Big Brother twist. Spoiler: It's awful

The new Big Brother twist is terrible. Also, water is wet. Prepare for another mess of a season.

For the past 14 years, Big Brother has been one of my favorite summer past-times. From the episodes to the live feeds, I would consider myself a Big Brother super-fan. That said, I haven't thoroughly enjoyed a season since 2009 (season 11). Why? Two reasons. Terrible casting and the employment of over-the-top ridiculous twists. Remember MVP? or that terrible coaches twist? Last time I checked, Big Brother wasn't The Voice

The season 16 houseguests have yet to be released, but after last year's cast of actual human garbage - I don't have high hopes of finding a new favorite houseguest. What confuses me however, is that the same casting agents who cast the US version also cast the Canadian version - which was absolutely amazing this winter.

I wonder how the BBUS producers feel about the Canadian version using their format and completely out-doing them at every turn. Because let's be real - season 2 of BB Canada was by far the best season of Big Brother we've had in a long time. The cast was perfect and supplied us with lots of drama - drama that was not focused around racist nature. It was refreshing to watch after the terribleness of BB15. 

DOES EVERYBODY WANT GOOD FUCKING TV? IS THAT WHAT THEY WANT?!!?! It's exactly what we wanted, Sabrina. And thank you for giving it to us. Oh man, I just re-watched that season and it was great. I don't know if BBUS will even compare. Probably not considering the twist reveal today. 

Julie Chen announced the twist of season 16 on her talk show (ever so cleverly titled "The Talk"). As expected, it's a total mess. Here's a rundown of this years "most twisted season yet"

  • There will be 2 Head of Households every week
  • Each will nominate 2 people, 4 houseguests in total will be nominated every week
  • The Head of Household isn't safe from eviction anymore
  • There will be a new competition called "Battle of the Block" that threaten's the HOH's safety
  • The viewing public will have major impact on the game in a new twist called "Team America"

Terrible. Every aspect of this twist is just unappealing. I thought 3 houseguests on the block last year was overkill, but 4? Are you joking? Stop messing with the original format. The format isn't the problem. It's the awful people they cast and cringe-worthy twists like this one. 

The BB16 living room. Only 2 eviction chairs, though?
Hmmm. (Photo via CBS)
The Head of Household isn't safe anymore? What's the point of winning it then? You're only going to anger the people you nominate and you could be evicted by the end of the week anyway. There's no longer an incentive to win Head of Household. If anything, this will encourage players to seek more of a floating strategy which really isn't fun to watch. I think floating can be a useful strategy if you employ it with actual strategics. Most floaters usually just fall into it without any real thought. 

Haven't we learned that involving the viewers almost always leads to a hot mess? Like the time America pulled a collective Topaz and nominated Elissa, while thinking they were voting for the MVP?

On a brighter note, there is some good news about this season! This will be the first to air in high definition. Let's welcome the Big Brother producers to 2009! It was literally the only show on network television still airing in standard definition. Well not anymore! We get to watch this mess in HD now!

Rumors have been circulating for weeks about past houseguests returning to play the game again. However no mention was made of the cast by Julie Chen. Now that the twist is out, I'm expecting a cast reveal sometime tomorrow. I don't mind past players returning and it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility considering they've brought people back for multiple seasons (Season 7, 11, 13, and 14 all had returnees).

When all is said and done, I'm still going to watch this season religiously like I have in the past. It's the one show I just refuse to give up no matter how bad it gets. I guess that makes me a true super-fan. 

Big Brother 16's two night premiere will air on June 25 and June 26th on CBS. Check out the CBS press release here


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