I binged 40 episodes of Game of Thrones in less than 2 weeks
For about the last year or so, every time I would try to talk about television with someone, the conversation would always lead to the "do you watch Game of Thrones?" question. I feel like I'm the last person on earth to jump on the GoT train. I think part of me decided to watch just so I would understand all the inside jokes ya'll use all the time. (I love inside jokes, I'd love to be apart of one someday -Michael Scott).
At first I wasn't sure how much I was going to like it. The whole mediaeval fantasy genre has never really been a big interest of mine. However, Game of Thrones has done an amazing job of setting itself apart from the other big names in the genre. I think Ben Wyatt articulates it best as to why GoT is such a big hit with so many people:
"It’s a crossover hit. It’s not just for fantasy enthusiasts. They’re telling human stories in a fantasy world.” (See, I finally get all the GoT jokes on Parks and Recreation!)
Game of Thrones has so many different characters each with their own story line (some of which never interact with one another). With so much going on, the show could have easily became a gigantic mess. But the writers know exactly what they're doing and so far every plot line has been enjoyable to watch (for the most part). I do hope in future seasons we see a bit more interaction between different characters and plots (Like when is Daenerys going to make it to Westeros?!).
With dozens upon dozens of characters and story lines, it makes it hard to write up a concise review because if I mentioned every thing - we'd be here for a very long time. The easiest way is to break it down by the families. Warning: spoilers ahead.
Not going to lie, I think I would actually prefer this opening rather than the, elegant but obnoxiously long one they have now. So we have the Lannisters, the Starks, the Targaryens, the Tyrells, and the Baratheons. Those seem to be the major players thus far.
The Lannisters and the Baratheons
The Baratheons are "technically" the family in charge of Westeros, but not really. The Lannisters married into this family and then start mating within their own bloodline (*side-eyes Jamie and Cersei*). So the current king is Baraethon by name, but 100% Lannister by blood.
They are the richest family in all seven kingdoms and they "always pay their debts." A trait they are annoyingly proud of and mention constantly.
Cersei Lannister is easily the best villain on TV at the moment and Lena Heady plays her incredibly well. I despise her yet love her at the same time. She steals every scene she's in. Would any of you judge me if I said she was my favorite character? There's just something so interesting about her. I know the show is known for killing off a lot of it's main characters, but I would be devastated if they off'd Cersei any time soon. This last season they killed off her sadistic son, Joffery. Oh man, now talk about a villain you absolutely love to hate.
The Baratheon story line is probably the show's only weakness as I just find it and the characters incredibly dull. I just can't muster up any energy to care about Stannis Baratheon or his creepy red-headed witch friend. Although I did love Renly, the sassy gay king of the seven kingdoms.
The Starks
Oh man, did George R. R. Martin do the Stark family wrong. They didn't deserve half of the terrible misfortune he threw their way. I, for one, was absolutely shocked that Ned was killed off in the first season. I'm sure those who read the books knew it was coming, but I'm an ignorant TV watcher (one day I'll probably make my way to the books).
The entire family has been separated since and has yet to reunite. All I want in season 5 is for Sansa and Arya to come back together but I have a feeling it's never going to happen. Both are being pulled in completely different directions (yet they were so close to reuniting just a few episodes ago! Ugh). And while he may not be, I consider Jon Snow a.k.a "Ned Stark's bastard" an official Stark.
The "friendship" turned rivalry between the Starks and the Lannisters is the jumping point of the series (Jamie Lannister literally pushes the youngest Stark out a window in the pilot episode). Given more than half of the Stark family is deceased (including both parents and oldest son aka "king in the north"), I think it's safe to assume the Lannisters won?
The Targaryen(s)

Her father was killed by the Lannisters (Hence Jamie's nickname of "kingslayer"), while she and her douchenozzle of a brother were exiled to the other side of the world (these events occurred prior the the start of the series).
Daenery's story is almost completely detached from the Westeros kingdoms drama. Her plot revolves around her journey back to the seven kingdoms to retake the throne in her family's name. In her travels, she has become the Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. That's right, mother of DRAGONS! What I love about this though is that almost every time she is introduced to others, all of those titles are announced in full.
She has quite a few HBIC moments, including this scene in 3x04 where she frees thousands of slaves and slays the previous master with her dragons. Easily my favorite moment of the series so far. I am anticipating the day she knocks through Westeros like the badass she is. But with the pace she's traveling, it's probably going to be a while.
The Tyrells
They're fairly new but have past connections with the Baratheons. Margaery was Renly's beard, while he was actually romantically pursuing her brother. After his death, the Tyrells come to the Lannister's aid in the war, and Margaery is married into the Lannister family (for a short time, but she's eyeing another wedding). I'm hoping we get to see more of them in season 5, because Grandma Tyrell is fierce.
This doesn't even begin to cover any of the side characters (such as LittleFinger, Shae, Brienne of Tarth, etc) but I think you get the general idea of the show, hopefully. There's also the story line with Jon Snow and the Night's Watch and the terrors beyond the wall.
If you haven't seen this show, I would heavily suggest starting it - it gets very addictive. I binge watched 4 seasons on HBO Go in less than two weeks. I caught up just in time to watch the season four finale live. Back in April, the network renewed the show for seasons five and six. We have much more Game of Thrones to look forward to in the next couple years, and I can't wait.