May 20, 2014

The Best and the Worst: Fall Primetime Preview
7:50 PM

The Best and the Worst: Fall Primetime Preview

Over the last week primetime television networks have been holding their annual up-fronts, giving us a peak at new series and pilots for the 2014-2015 television season. Usually there are only a few shows in the bunch that catch my attention – but this year close to a dozen shows all look like they are going to deliver. Here is the best and the worst of the new series:


  • Constatine (NBC)

What can I say? I’m a sucker for horror based series (especially horror based series derived from a DC comics character). This is set to air Fridays at 10pm. Pairing it with Grimm is a brilliant move by the network because both shows are similar in content. As of lately I’ve been a bit bored with Grimm as I’ve felt that the story has been dragging on – judging by the trailer, that probably won't be a problem with Constatine. It's not about a man trying to hide his secret identity/powers from others – it's already all out in the open! 

  • The Whispers (ABC)

So I ranted about this show back in February and now here's the trailer. It’s a lot different from what it was described as in its initial pilot stages – and I’m thankful for that. It looks interesting and doesn’t seem like a mere V rip-off. Aliens aren't even explicitly mentioned in the clip. The cast features Lily Rabe (American Horror Story), Barry Sloane (Revenge), and Milo Ventimiglia (Heroes) – that alone is enough for me to tune in!

  • Stalker (CBS)

Remember the days when CBS dramas were just for the elderly? Well not anymore. I absolutely love the concept behind this and will definitely be watching in the fall. I like that the focus is solely on stalkers and their victims – it’s a fresh take on the standard police procedural.  Maggie Q and Dylan McDermott seem to have good chemistry with one another and both have shown success in being able to carry a leading role. 

  • Galavant (ABC)

♫ I want to shoot him with a crossbow, I want to stab him in the eye  (this melody has been stuck in my head all day). This looks so incredibly campy and ridiculous in all the right ways and I NEED IT. I am already mourning its inevitable cancellation by ABC. But who knows? Maybe the Glee and Once Upon a Time fandoms will latch onto this show and we’ll have an unexpected hit! That’s what I’m hoping, nay, PRAYING for.

  • The Flash (The CW)

As stated above, I'm a big DC Comics fan. So naturally, I was very excited about The Flash. This is a spin-off from the show Arrow, in which the title character has already made several appearances. So we already know a little bit about this incarnation of Barry Allen. I was hesitant of Grant Gustin as a lead at first, but he's pulling it off magnificently in the clip above. This will probably be a lot lighter than Arrow which tends to be very dark and isolating. This show has more of a Smallville feel to it which I like. It will be interesting to see the cross-over episodes it has with Arrow.

  • Marry Me (NBC)

I will support the cast of Happy Endings in all their endeavors until the end of time. Seriously though, I still have post-traumatic stress due to it's cancellation. So to see a Happy Endings alum (two really) in a comedy by the creators of Happy Endings makes me... for lack of a better word, happy. This looks hilarious and I can't wait to see Casey Wilson back on my TV again. 

  • Bad Judge (NBC)

So at first I didn't even want to give this trailer a shot. I heard the title and my mind conjured up images of that terrible (now cancelled) CBS sitcom Bad Teacher based off that awful Cameron Diaz movie. However, this actually looks good. NBC usually knows how to do comedy right. It sort of has an early season Community feel to it. 

  • Secrets and Lies (ABC)

This looks really promising and has some great actors in it (Ryan Phillippe and Juliette Lewis). My only concern is how can this story last several seasons (if it gets the chance to)? It feels more like a movie or mini-series. We probably don't have enough content in this clip to truly judge it though. I'm curious to see where they take this.


  • Jane the Virgin (The CW)

This is without a doubt the most ridiculous and unbelievable show The CW has ever produced. I know they're not known for their quality, but damn. This is their lowest low. How is this even a show? Maybe the first season will follow the main character spending the money she won from her MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR law suit. That was literally the first thing that came to my mind after watching this. 

  • Selfie (ABC)

...Why? Why would you do this? I love social media, but good god does this look terrible. I feel like the main character (and the show in general) is trying way too hard to channel Mindy Lahiri/The Mindy Project and it's just not working. It comes across as desperate and fake. 

  • Cristela (ABC)

Why can't we leave laugh-track sitcoms in the 90s where they belong? You know, back when they were actually funny. This feels so out of place on ABC, it reminds me of something CBS would produce. I don't see this lasting at all.

  • Manhattan Love Story (ABC)

So this kind of annoys me for a number of different reasons. I like the idea of using the main character's narrative's as a driving point but the execution seems a bit off, no? It's a good concept but it was not done properly here. Secondly, that's Mike from Shameless! I take it if the actor is joining a new show, then there's no hope for Mike and Fiona? Bummer!


There are a few other new series and midseason replacements that have yet to release trailers. But from first glance, it seems like the 2014-2015 television season is going to be one for the records, and I for one am very excited.